April 14th, 2014
Bass Rocks, Gloucester MA
Oil on Canvas, 20 x 30 in
I got to spend a glorious day yesterday sitting in the sun and wind at Bass Rocks painting and chatting with David Curtis. I had the canvas covered by the end of the day but a few kinks to work out – such as the curvy horizon – and a few details to add (the rocks in the foreground, the crashing spray of a wave, the glint of the sun on the water, and a building or two up on the rock near the horizon on the right.) Because it was such a lovely warm day, I was not prepared for how quickly my paint would dry – which made working on it today (when it was already tacky, and dry in some spots) imperative. Well, today there’s a very strong and gusty wind blowing rain and water all over the place. Since I’ve accepted the fact I just don’t like painting indoors, I went into the back yard into the gazebo that doesn’t (didn’t used to) leak and got to work. So many disasters, canvas blowing over a few times, paint blowing upside down, – one thing after another. I am hoping the rain that’s intermingled with my paint will keep it wet just one more day, so I can fix the water in the foreground, and quiet just a portion of the highlighted wave. And add the stupid buildings.
* April 17th – Have done most of what I can do while it’s still wet. Will take a better picture though.