September 3rd, 2012
Seine Field, Gloucester MA
16 x 20 in
I had spent two weeks preparing to go on a painting trip up in Canada, when the car I’d just spent a great deal of money getting into travelling shape was hit and totalled by a woman in an SUV. As a result I am currently driving a rental, which I was too leery of getting painty to go painting in on Saturday. Then I realized that was dumb, and went on Monday and it was a great relief. The best thing about this painting was the sky; but when I got home I found a case of Tab had fallen into it and ruined the whole thing. Rather than screaming at a cruel fate and giving up, I sat down and fixed it, as best I could. I think it turned out better than it had been initially, and luckily I have no photos of it before the accident to contradict this.