Day 2 of Tree Workshop…
August 21st, 2012
Cogswell’s Grant in Essex, MA
Oil on Masonite, 24 x 30 in
David P. Curtis, under whose guidance I’ve had the honor of painting en plein air, very kindly gave me (via a generous student who had paid but could not attend) two days of a 5 day workshop on Trees. I have had my battles with trees as I think is well documented. I was transfixed by the clouds this day, and spent several hours and about 4 gallons of paint just trying to key it right. Then there was only an hour left for the rest of the painting – so I did the treeline first, then started the field, then began on my tree. I hated it from the get go and after 10 mins I realized it simply would not do. So I replaced it with a farmhouse which in reality was on my left. The house was facing me dead on so there were no sides visible – which made the whole painting look like a very affected rendition of a 5yr old’s drawing of Home. I did the best I could but then time ran out and I left. When I came back to it the next day most had dried. I guess this should go in my “Disasters” page, but I kind of like it in spite of everything.