April 20th, 2013

April 20th, 2013

April 20th, 2013
Cox Reservation, Essex MA
Pencil Sketch, 16 x 20 in

Though I carried all my painting gear around the Greenbelt for at least an hour in search of something to paint, nothing “spoke to me.” Whatever’s been dogging me these past months, Lyme or otherwise, flared up again this weekend. I almost went home in defeat – but instead remembered I had a pad of paper in the car. I sat myself down in front of this tree and started drawing. What was nice about this was that with a pencil I can get all those tiny details that my knife is too clumsy for. I really needed to focus on something outside of myself and this was a very good way for me to do that. I stopped when the light had changed too much – I am undecided as to whether to try and finish it or leave it as is.