October 27th, 2013

October 27th, 2013

October 27th, 2013
Boreas Sanctus Gallery and Studio
Studio 105
122 Western Avenue
Lowell, Massachusetts

Although I did paint on Saturday, my mind and heart weren’t really in it, and my paintings always know when I’m insincere – and punish me by being ugly. I may try to fix it, but decided to spend today working to set up the gallery. It is looking great, and I hope that everyone will come on November 2nd, 2013 – any time between 12 – 5pm – to see me and my work in person. (Go up the wheelchair ramp on the left of the loading dock,* enter, walk straight ahead past the elevator, take a left down the ramp and walk a long way until you find #105 on the right!) There will be paintings for sale in all price ranges (some even under $100!) I really hope to see you there. And I look forward to November 3rd, when I can return my energy and focus to creating new things.

October 27th, 2013
The door that’s in color is the one you go in to get to my studio!

October 14th, 2013

October 14th, 2013

October 14th, 2013 & Thereafter
Western Avenue Studios,
Lowell, Massachusetts

I don’t know if anyone has noticed that a lot of my paintings this year involved very little in the way of horizon, and a lot in the way of confusion, commotion, constrictiveness. Like I’m perennially trying to make sense of thousands of different elements crammed into a small, often enclosed space.

It’s all proof that there is no hiding what’s going on in one’s mind when one paints. I’ve been feeling increasingly captive, increasingly stuck – to a large degree, simply because I have had nowhere to paint (except outdoors) since I realized the basement has been making me sick. I’ve been very stressed out, every week adding to my collection of work that is building up in the attic, and predominately going unseen. Hence the overflowing tight spaces in my paintings.

However, I have terrific news! I now have a studio where I can both work and show. It’s in Lowell, MA – where the town motto is “Art is the handmaid of human good.” There are open studios the first Saturday of every month, and viewing can also be arranged by appointment. I feel liberated and very excited to get to work and show my work in my own space. I’m also expecting this revitalized attitude to impact and hopefully improve my work. I will be putting up a new “News & Events” page, with more details on where and when I’ll be showing shortly.