February 24th-25th, 2013

February 24th - 25th, 2013

February 24th-25th, 2013
Oil on Canvas, 24 x 32 in

This leaf, this scene reminded me of Shakespeare’s 73 sonnet, which is why I painted it. In person it has, to me, a rather evocative atmosphere, I’m not sure if it translates to the picture. This is the sonnet:

That time of year thou mayst in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou see’st the twilight of such day
As after sunset fadeth in the west;
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death’s second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou see’st the glowing of such fire,
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the deathbed whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourished by.
This thou perceiv’st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.


Last week of January, 2013

Last week of January, 2013
Oil on Canvas, 24 x 32 in

January 12th, 2013

January 12th, 2013

January 12th, 2013
Cox Reservation, Essex MA
Oil on Canvas, 14 x 18 in

There was a stunningly high tide today, and since I was wearing my tall rubber boots I decided to wade in a little to find a good spot to paint. It was then I learned that my rubber boots are full of holes. I stayed anyway, but confess that dreams of warm and dry feet were my main focus, the painting probably suffered as a result. I may tweak this one a bit, but am inclined to leave it as it stands for the most part.

October 27th, 2012

October 27th, 2012

October 27th, 2012
That slow fire of Decay
Cox Reservation, Essex Greenbelt, Essex MA
Oil on Canvas, 16 x 20 in

Looking as the sun filters through leaves and seeing jewel tones, stained glass everywhere… this was one I tried to “fix” when I got home, and it changed a lot.

Evening Light – Running to Stand Still

August 25th, 2012

Evening Light – Running to Stand Still
August 25th, 2012
Cox Reservation, Essex Greenbelt – Essex MA
16 x 20 in

This was a rare occasion where the group of plein air painters met from 2 – 7, to try and capture the evening light. I got there at 2:30, and within 10 mins had locked my keys in the trunk of my car, along with my wallet, paints, easel. I spent the next two hours waiting for AAA to arrive. I was philosophical at first, grateful that there was good weather and good company for my long wait – but eventually I fell to brooding. By the time they finally got there, I wanted to leave. But I did not want my own stupidity – or misfortune – to spoil the day entirely. So I stomped off to find a view in which I could relieve my pent up feelings. I hate to say it, but I think I paint best when angry. I’m glad I stayed and I’m glad I locked myself out of my car and made myself mad enough to paint a picture I like.

August 11th, 2012

August 11th, 2012

August 11th, 2012
Oil on Canvas, 18 x 24 in

I haven’t decided whether to “fix” this or just leave it alone. I stopped painting when the wind started stirring and sucking a storm towards me full speed. I was looking to my left at a clump of bushes, because I a) have been in a convoluted frame of mind lately and find it helps to match my brain’s intricacies with intricate subject matter and b) I was seeing cathedrals in them – the branches looked like cold stone arches, flying buttresses amidst stained glass coloured patches of relief. I was more interested in painting “expressive impressionistically” than shooting for precision.

June 16th, 2012

June 16th, 2012

June 16th, 2012
Cogswell’s Grant, Essex
Oil on Wood, 18 x 24 in

This was a tragic day* for me; I broke my beloved knife. Rather than having a collection of knifes that each do something different, I opted to have one knife that I had used for so long and knew so well I could do anything I wanted with it. Anything, that is, except step on it. I think it must’ve been weakening for weeks because it was in a pile of mown grass I dropped + stepped on it/ broke it. I have actually been paranoid for months now that it might break, or that I might lose it – because I love it so much! And the gods punish you for loving “objects” too much. I’ve already ordered 6 similar looking ones to try and find a stand in. I tried to finish this painting with another knife I had. What made my favorite knife so wonderful was it’s bounce, it’s springiness – the sub knife just didn’t cut it. It’s spirit was willing but it’s flex was weak. I just decided to stop and let this stand as my knife’s last work. RIP.

June 16th, 2012
RIP Knife

* – Also, later in the day I found and pulled out a tick from my leg – and three months of feeling increasingly crappy later, I learned I have Lyme Disease. Oh ill fated day!!

March 24th, 2012

"It's not dark yet, but it's gettin' there."

“It’s not dark yet, but it’s gettin’ there.”
March 24th, 2012
Cox Reservation, Essex, MA
Oil on Canvas, 16 x 20 in

The weather was perfectly attuned to my mood; it made me feel like King Lear (and / or Ophelia).