D.A. Thompson (Formal)
Oil on Canvas, 24 x 32 in
This portrait was commissioned by Thompson Dorfman Sweatman LLP, a law firm in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada.
The firm’s founding member was my grandfather, Donald Alexander Thompson. I was honoured to be hired by the firm to paint his portrait. It was not an easy task, as he passed away in 1992 and although there are many picutres of him n existence, there were none of him in the right place, in the right position, with enough detail to paint. This painting is a synthesis of about 14 different pictures I had of him, some showing his hands clearly, some his face, some the right expression in his eyes… Also the firm wanted him to look like the wise and strong leader that he was, whereas I wanted to see my sweet, twinkling-eyed grandfather in the painting. I consider the painting a success, because it has all necessary elements – he has dignity, intelligece, and kindness.
This is in fact my second portrait of my Grandfather. The previous painting, in a more casual setting (and which, settingwise and painting wise, I believe I prefer) can be viewed by clicking here.