August 4th, 2012
Manchester Festival By the Sea
(photo credit to Dr.DF Thompson.)
Boreas Sanctus
Plein Air Painting
August 4th, 2012
Manchester Festival By the Sea
(photo credit to Dr.DF Thompson.)
July 29th, 2012
I did paint but no photo, it went straight to the junk heap. I need to get to Canada to paint what my soul and eyes are missing.
July 21st, 2012
Cox Reservation, Essex Greenbelt, Essex MA
Oil on Canvas, 16 x 20 in
If you’ve noticed I’ve been quiet of late about my most recent work, it’s because I’ve been quietly getting sick of what I’ve been doing. I endeavored a difficult vista this week in hopes that it would give me a new way of seeing things, a new way of showing them. I have a feeling that this one may be more appealing to me when I’ve forgotten what the scene I was painting REALLY looked like, and I can just see the painting as it is, and not as what it isn’t. The only other thing relevant to mention about this one is that when I started it I had Johnny Cash’s version of “I see a darkness” running through my head; and by the time I was finishing the chorus had blended with another memory, and the combination ran thus: “I see a darkness, oh no I see a darkness – and Lo, into the darkness there came a great Light”
July 16th, 2012
The Breezeway at Rocky Neck, Gloucester MA
Oil on Canvas, 18 x 24 in
July 14th, 2012
Cox Reservation, Essex MA
Oil on Canvasboard, 16 x 12 in
July 7th, 2012
Cox Reservation, Essex MA
Oil on Canvas, 16 x 22 in
I painted this while sadly contemplating Ray Allen’s decision to leave Boston (Celtics) for the Miami Heat. Now every time I see it I see Ray in that tree, standing alone, trying to make the right choice… I do wish him the best of everything but championship titles.
July 3rd & 4th, 2012
Oil on Wood, 20¾ x 31½ in
Although this was done out doors, thus could be called “Plein Air,” I was working from a photo and memory and whim. Well whim is too light a word for it, my spirits had sunk as I was pondering how my once pristine, quiet paradise of the Island has become overrun with loud boats, loud people, cabins where there were only trees, docks where there were only deer runs. I know the universe trends to destruction and I know I’m as much a cause of it as anyone. I hope that there is a heaven where all the ideal and perfect remain and grow better, the inverse of this system. In the meantime, I love to contemplate the storms that make us all alone and equally vulnerable to a nature that is bigger and stronger than anyone likes to consider. I love the chaos of clouds and water and the order that ricochets through them. And as much as saying so may convict me by a jury of my peers, I like painting water and sky from photographs. Studying a single moment in time, a snap shot of water and atmosphere stilled, is so invaluable to understanding the behavior and pattern of reflection, refraction, buoyancy and motion. Although I am converted to believe painting outdoors in the moment is the only and best way to paint a landscape, I am not a fundamentalist who eschews our technical capacities as unworthy. If we are able to isolate a moment in time to study water, I will undertake the education.
“There’s a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in”
June 30th, 2012
Cox Reservation, Essex MA
Oil on Canvasboard, 12 x 16 in,
This one is a few tweaks shy of being done if not overdone. The weather was beautiful and although the fields would have been gorgeous to paint, I have been trying to use my Saturdays to struggle with subject I find difficult. A few months back I declared war on all deciduous trees, but shortly thereafter recanted, realizing that “tout comprendre, c’est tout pardonner.” In other words, because I find them so difficult, I should be that much more vested in trying to paint them. As I said before, painting a tree is not a study in painting an object, but a study in observing a relationship, and rendering it as sincerely as possible – which is difficult when you have to grapple with so many different value scales in one place. Anyway, this was an attempt I’ll call 3/4 successful.
June 28th & 29th, 2012
Halibut Point Seaward
Oil on Canvas, 24 x 30 in
Halibut Point State Park, Rockport MA
A Conclave of Cormorants
June 28th, 2012
Bass Rocks, Gloucester MA
Oil on Canvasboard, 16 x 20 in
What I like about this painting is the vibrancy of the sky at the horizon, which I think matches well the sky I was looking at. I also like the rocks. I want to make the birds darker and maybe more birdlike, and fuss with the spray and the water in the foreground, but the week has been so hot that it dried before I could. Just as well, because when I start fussing, I find it hard to stop.