I still need to get a decent photo of this painting. This one is off.
This was taken earlier in the day – the painting was done mid – late afternoon, when the sun dapples the path, and the contrast and colours are stronger than they appear in this photo.

February 27th, 2018

February 27th 2018

​February 27th, 2018
Cox Reservation, Essex Greenbelt
Essex, MA
Oil on Aluminum Panel, 12 x 16 in

First day out pleinairing in way too long. Those wisps of cloudishness were not there when I painted the sky!

January 13th, 2014

January 13th, 2014
January 13th, 2014

January 13th, 2014
Cox Reservation, Essex Greenbelt
Essex MA
Oil on Canvas, 16 x 20 in

It was a bright, mild day (though not as mild as I had dressed for – just because it’s above freezing does not necessarily mean you can go without a jacket.) David had been to the Sargent exhibit at the MFA, and noted that only rarely did Sargent paint sky. I was thinking of all the paintings of his I’ve seen, where you know what kind of day it was by the reflections of the sky you see on the leaves, buildings and clothing of people in the painting. The snow is kind of a “painting without sky for dummies” tool – because wherever the yellow light of the sun is cut off by a lump of snow, there lies a nearly perfect reflection of the sky color directly above it. You can achieve balance by including the reflections throughout the piece, which do in fact occur, if less perfectly, in shadows on stone and branches.

I decided not to change much from what I had in the first picture. Was painted with a lot of gusto – decided to keep the energetic feel of it rather than strain to make every detail perfect.